Week 3 and Week 4

Then on week 4, I created a digital prototype:


Insights from week 3 paper prototyping, presentation, week 4 digital prototyping:

  • When meals are already chosen how do you go back to edit them
  • The differences between planning and eating the meals
  • Looks like a Clinics app, because it’s a baby’s food app it can look warmer
  • Milk intake measurements is still confusing
  • If the user has more than one child
  • The weight goal of the baby can be in the Baby data
  • When creating project in Marvel should make it clickable throughout and not a linear journey

Week 2


  • Add icon doesn’t make sense
  • Got confused about Baby size edit in the Meal Plan and the Baby Data
  • Got confused with the wording “Your Recipe”
  • Measurements don’t apply well to baby recipe when creating your own recipe
  • Don’t really understand the process of creating your own recipe





Reigns Her Majesty 

It is a text adventure app that players have to make decisions for the queen during her reign to make her be alive as long as possible and when she dies to make the decision for the next reigning queen. I like the app because the player can explore the story through an experience like tinder, swiping left and right to approve and disapprove the person she has the make the decision on.

Week 1

3 Things I didn’t know about Apple HIG

  1. Onboarding with Launch time, I normally see a splash view when I go into apps, and I never realized that Launch time to get in touch with new users or tell what’s new to old users has become a new thing.
  2. Feeback, I notice the status information in my mail inbox but I didn’t realize that it was implemented in other kinds of apps to make users know what’s happening in the app subtly in the toolbar.
  3. Colorblindness, most of the time I design according to the theme but now I realized to consider all user’s vision.

About Me
Hello, my name is Aim. I come from Bangkok, Thailand and I am a visual designer, a front-end developer, a researcher, and an aimer for change.





Food App:

For my food app project, I am creating an app called Baby Balanced to solve the problem that my sister is having with her 9 months old son who appears to be underweight.

The app will assist mothers to balance their baby’s food intake, featuring a meal planner, a lot of recipes that will give the number of calories the baby needs and a tracker to observe the pattern of food intake for her child.

App Map

Detailed Wireframe