Noodle wireframe (Samir, Decho, Kayla and Yi Ning)

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Noodle logo app

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Our prototype

With the parameters of being in the Entertainment Category, having to do with Noodles and being targeted towards single people in their 20-30s our group decided to create a mobile application that helps set up lunch dates. The idea being that you can post a combination of a date, time or location where you would like to meet for lunch and other people in your work environment could join if they have an opening in their schedule. Nobody wants to eat lunch on their own, and often when someone is leaving their office or work environment for their lunch break they need to circulate around the office and ask around to see who would like to join them, with this application we are improving upon that interaction. The application allows for people to set lunch meetings and they are notified when others want to join in on their gatherings. Users gain a score based on how many meetings they attend in order to give the users a sense of security when meetings somebody new because they can see the users history.