Team Newdle Update

Hi, we are team Newdle.

Here are the members of our team:

Aero Wang, Chloe Koo, Joori Lee, Seung Ki Ryu

We started our project with the keyword “Noodle” in the category “Entertainment,” targeting single young adult users.

Having four unique ideas initially, we realized that an application that encourage users to explore and share will be most entertaining and suitable for young adults. Therefore, we decided to create this mobile app that allows users to virtually create noodles and share with their friends on Facebook.

To begin with our concept, we created early wireframes shown below:

Photo Jan 30, 8 54 38 PMPhoto Jan 30, 8 54 32 PM


Using the wireframe as a guideline, we moved forward and created some illustration and visual style of the app. See blow:



And then we decided our logo:



After having most visual elements ready, we revisited the architecture of our app and recreated a new set of wireframes:



And finally we went ahead and created a visual mockup:


After all of our visual elements and interactions are ready, we moved forward into the develpment, and finally this is the demo of our app, enjoy:

Or you can watch on Youtube:

We also came up with new and improved UI design. We will implement in our next version!