Archive for the ‘barcampnairobi’ tag
“Inside Nairobi, the Next Palo Alto?”
The New York Times had an article about the emerging environment of mobile phone innovation in Nairobi a few days ago: “Inside Nairobi, the Next Palo Alto?“. I’ve read elsewhere that the article came out of the journalist attending BarCamp Nairobi, which I mentioned in a previous post.
It also mentions Google’s Nairobi office. Google must certainly be interested in Kenya, and Africa, as an enormous future market for services, or they wouldn’t be investing in infrastructure and research there.
Google and the other software developers in Nairobi are primarily focused on expanding what it is to interact with the internet. In emerging markets where mobile phones will vastly outnumber traditional computers for the foreseeable future, the mobile phone has the real possibility of being the most often used way to interface with the web on Earth.
BarCamp Nairobi
BarCamp Nairobi was a “unconference” held 21 June 2008, where bloggers, programmers, and other techy folk in and around Nairobi met up to “share and learn in an open environment”.
White African has a few videos from the event.
O’reilly had a survey carried out at BarCamp with the following results: