Drew Cogbill | Thesis Blog

works in progress.

Role Prototypes

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Originally, Pigeon was imagined with international use in mind.  When speaking with people though, local use seemed to be something that kept coming up.  An old prototype of four sisters spreading gossip works locally or internationally.

Pigeon could also be used by groups of local friends to organize outings as shown in the following role prototype:

It would be an option to build a similar system based on beeping, which I proposed in my summer paper.  “Beeping” is calling in and hanging up before the other person answers, generally to indicate that you want them to call you back.  A system could recognize missed calls and then set a caller’s profile as active for a certain amount of time.  During the active time, text messages could be sent to the user informing them about their friends who become active in the system.  Below is a visual exploration of how such a system might work in people’s lives.

Written by drewcogbill

September 14th, 2008 at 3:33 pm

Posted in Prototypes

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