Contact Adding Script Prototype
Now you can add contact on Pigeon if you know the member number of your desired contact. Figuring out how to accomplish this was a bit more complicated than the sign up code.
Here’s an old map of my database schema, which I have been referring to and helps to explain my logical organization: dbschema.pdf.
The contactLink table is used to join to members together and make them contacts. I had to change my plan for organizing this table to make it easier to approve or decline contact requests. There needs to be an option for ignoring a request and dealing with it later, but for the purposes of quick prototyping, this option was put on hold to get the main funcitonality going.
In my old prototype, I had faked the ability to leave messages for only your contacts. Only this functionality needs to be added for a round of interesting user testing to occur.
Phone access:
- Direct local (713) 568-7265
- Skype +99000936 9996079900 contains all of the Pigeon code up to this point.