Archive for the ‘displays of wealth’ tag
Displays of wealth
In interviews and conversations, lots of people have told me about younger kids (ages 7-14) carrying around cell phones just to look cool. In what I’ve seen, kids are using the phones as still and video cameras, as well as a video and music player. I’ve seen songs transferred via bluetooth and groups of people crowded around a cell phone screen watching a music video. Below is Shewan with his friends looking at his red Razr phone, which he brought to one of the summer camps held at schools in western Belize my group is running. His aunt, who lives in the States, sent it to him as a present.
I saw the guy below in the blue tshirt walking in the center of San Ignacio, and though the picture does it no justice, he had tucked the earbuds of his iPod behind his ears though he wasn’t listening to music. (**Edit 28 August 2008 - I saw this same things several more times during the rest of my time in Belize.)