Drew Cogbill | Thesis Blog

works in progress.

Archive for the ‘language’ tag

‘Add contact’ language

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I’ve been considering what language should be used when describing adding contacts on Pigeon.  When you add a contact, you are able to hear their Pigeon messages and they are able to hear your Pigeon messages.  Users have been confused in the past about what exactly happens when they add a contact; more precise language or a clearer analogy through the words could help users more quickly understand the functionality of Pigeon.

I did a mind map of things related and this is how things broke down:

Print words

  • broadcast
  • subscribe

Communication words

  • send and receive
  • exchange
  • trade
  • correspond

Bird words

  • flight, flock, kit (what groups of Pigeons are called)
  • route (as in a carrier pigeon’s)

Physical space words

  • drawer
  • closet
  • space
  • locker

Other words

  • pipeline
  • cue/Q

I think, perhaps, I’m most attracted to ‘flock’, as in “to add someone to your flock, dial their Pigeon number now.”  This isn’t really clear though.  Maybe the answer is just to say “by adding a contact, you will be able to hear their Pigeon message and they will be able to hear you Pigeon message.”  Or maybe a combo: “by adding a contact to your flock, you will be able to hear their Pigeon message and they will be able to hear yours?”

Also, I need to make it clear that you add one contact at a time.

(As a side note, yes, Harry Potter Owl Post appears in my mind map.)

Written by drewcogbill

March 4th, 2009 at 2:59 pm

Posted in Prototypes

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