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SMS Signup / Add contacts

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Below is a kind of “script” for signing up for Pigeon and adding contacts via SMS.

If first words sign up or signup (any variation of capitalization should be accepted):

  1. Response text: What would you like your 9-digit Pigeon number to be?
  2. [9-digit Pigeon number]
  3. Response text: What would you like your 4-digit PIN to be? Your PIN will keep your account safe. - or - Response text: Oops! That Pigeon number is taken! What would you like your 9-digit Pigeon number to be?
  4. [4-digit PIN]
  5. Welcome to Pigeon! Your Pigeon number is XXX-XXX-XXX. Call 713 574-9488 to make contacts and record your Pigeon message telling your world what you’re up to.

If first words sign up or signup (any variation of capitalization should be accepted) and then numbers:

  1. sign up [9-digit pigeon number] [4-digit PIN]
  2. Response text: Welcome to Pigeon! Your - or - Response text: Oops! That Pigeon number is taken! Please text your sign up again with another number.
  3. Welcome to Pigeon! Your Pigeon number is XXX-XXX-XXX. Call 713 574-9488 to make contacts and record your Pigeon message telling your world what you’re up to.

If first word add or addcontact or add contact or addcontacts or addcontacts (maybe addquick?):

  1. add [your Pigeon number] [your PIN]. [others Pigeon number]
  2. [Pigeon numbers] will be asked to add you as a contact when they next log on.


  1. add (or other version) [your Pigeon number] [your PIN]
  2. Response text: Text back all Pigeon numbers you would like to add as contacts.
  3. [Pigeon numbers] will be asked to add you as a contact when they next log on.

I’m going to test these by just having people text my phone and signing them up myself.  I’ll use the online dialog for quickly signing them up.  I wonder if there will be any trepidation in sending the PIN number in a way that is not secure.

Written by drewcogbill

October 7th, 2008 at 9:54 am

Posted in Prototypes

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