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Archive for the ‘study abroad’ tag

Pigeon storyboard: Study Abroad

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Pigeon could be used by US undergraduates studying abroad; here’s a storyboard exploring this idea as a user scenario:

More recently, I’ve been considering Pigeon for use in a developed context, and I think this has confused my work a bit.  This issue also came up in my crit.  In talking to Colleen, she said “if you design for the developing world, it could be useful for the developed, but if you design for the developed, it will probably not be useful for the developing.”  I’m really going to focus on developing areas moving forward.  Furthermore, I’m going to spend my next prototyping cycle exclusively considering how to communicate about Pigeon.  I’m going to develop other storyboards, other stories, and perhaps a short “commercial” explaining Pigeon.

I want future presentations of Pigeon to be much more narrative.  Any explinations of technical developments need to be embedded into a story about how this idea for a new system will impact people’s lives.

Written by drewcogbill

October 22nd, 2008 at 1:12 pm

Posted in Prototypes

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