
Mend-Breakup Trainer

Mend is an app targeting those who need help to recover from a breakup. It is creating an experience that feeling like a friend helping you through your breakup.

  • It features a conversational interface which can guide users through the Mending journey
  • The app offers an everyday audio guide to help the user get through.
  • Each day the user can get a task to do in the app such as writing. The app also asks the user to check in their emotional situation every day.
  • The app tracks the data like days since breakup and days since last EX contact.
  • The user can find much relevant advice and many stories as well.
  • The look and feel is very calming!

EASIPES_Apple TV_Final



For the Apple TV version, I started from thinking how to take advantage of the TV platform. It turns out that using video content as an aid for the mobile App is a good choice. Also, the step-by-step feature still exists in this video context.

Something I learned from user test:

  • In the Featured section, I added some displaying strategy for those featured recipes, such as the most popular recipes in this week and the new recipes, to help users make a choice more easily
  • I used scanning QR code as the method for the user to log in
  • In the video playing view, I used thumb image as a guide. The user can choose any step to play by selecting the thumb image on the bottom. When the user clicks on an image, the corresponding video will be played automatically. There’s also a progress bar to show the playing progress of each specific video.
  • For the visual design, I made the color lighter than the mobile app in order to let the images shown more clearly.

EASIPES_Final Iteration


I am creating an app to help cooking lovers easily access high-quality recipes, and making an engaging, easy and fun? cooking experience for them.

LINK to Digital Prototype


-Polished the visual

-Restructured the menu, changed into the form of Tab

-Redesigned the layout of Recipe detailed page

-Switched the interaction of Timer function

-Added audio elements

-Used a real example to make complete experience



App Map:



This week, I refined the concept. Based on my research on recipe apps, I found out that there are not many of them focusing on the experience of checking when following the recipes. So I decided to focus this part.

I got rid of the editorial feature of the former idea, making it a lighter app. I also added the START COOKING function.