For March 5

Next week will be your final project 1 presentation. We’ll have two outside critics joining us, so let’s show them our best work!

Post a Flinto prototype, along with a sentence or two about what you learned from digital prototyping, to the blog before 5pm.

Hopefully the room projector will act nicely, and I’ll load all the prototypes on my phone for us to present from.

Also after next week, I will give you your midterm grades. If you have any assignments that you haven’t posted to the blog, they will not be counted.

Design – Pauline Hadad

What I learned from Prototyping:

  • In my favorites, I shouldn’t simply have the names of the places but also their ratings
  • For each list of places, I should be able to have a list view and a map view for that same list
  • To rate a place, I should use a horizontal scrolling bar that would highlight the number of stars
  • I shouldn’t have a “Favorites” nor a “More” tab. I can include the favorites in the main page

Updated design

design-01Flinto demo:

Updated designs based on the feedback I received in class last week.

The first thing that I changed was emphasising the “meal plan” tab in the bottom bar navigation

A further update is the addition of the password field in the sign-up view. And changing the sign-up view to be seen contextually when selecting the “members” or “settings” tabs

Another update is located in the “add a meal” screen. In the meal name type area, I added an autocomplete which pulls from past meals


Shuangshuang Huo – Home Feast App

When I made this prototype according to the app map and wireframes, I made some design changes.

1. I removed the social functions according to teacher’s suggestion. Without the social functions, I found the sign up and sign in functions and “favorite” bottom tab are not necessary any more, as well as my first view of choosing feast type. That view was just to categorize the feast list in order to let other people find feast lists more conveniently. Therefore, I removed them all and I found the app structure became clearer.

2. I removed the “settings” button on the top. Last week, I thought putting a settings button in an app is like a custom, but this week, I found it doesn’t have many actual functions, so I removed it to make the app clearer.

3. I differentiated the “add my own” view and “remarks” view. At first I thought they are all just text editors, but this time when I actually drew them out, I found they are totally different.

4. I redesigned the final list view to make it more visual.

loading viewdish type 1 appetizer 1 dessert drinkrecipe view add my own 2final list stretching view