Final Presentation – Pauline/Yihan

It Speaks: page-1804

Since the last prototype, we learned and improved:

– hard to understand main functions of app: we added a splash screen with a short explanation


– tab icon to add a new entry and My Objects were not straight-forward enough: we changed the design of it








– if no connection, good to have an offline mode: we added an offline mode in the settings


– users expected more creative elements after taking a picture of an objects: we added filters options

Take a picture  2-1335

– users wanted more personal options when writing a story: we added more choices when writing a story (bold, centered,…)

Tell a story -2403      Tell a story  2-1342

– reading environment needs to be enhanced and more clear to see: we added a gradient layer to show the text more clearly, and added a “review before publishing” step.

Story-2441    Story-1351

– in notifications, it is not clear when my personal history is mixed with other people’s likes: we put our own history (what I liked and commented on) in the settings and in the notification page, we only display what other people like or commented on my objects.

Screen Shot 2015-05-14 at 18.32.55

– the timeline of your own object is confusing (most recent last): we changed the order to most recent first (on top)

Screen Shot 2015-05-14 at 18.33.57

– there should be a link to social media: we added a share button in the story page to share on social media

Screen Shot 2015-05-14 at 18.34.32

– there should be a way to delete and edit a story on my objects: created these two options on the object’s page

Screen Shot 2015-05-14 at 18.35.06

Iterations of PON


First version of wires:

First iteration:
(cut off some steps, make it simpler and more intuitive, add indication)

Second iteration:
(mainly simplified the sync process, hided the steps and timer, add setting, readability)

First UI:

(add script before syncing all the stuff so that users won’t panic
iCalendar iReminder => calendar, reminder
tested Change Button on both left&right
smart suggestions => smart steps
call the user a name “hello, Poner” and can change later after
after finishing all tasks, says “peek at tomorrow”
add button to refresh the pie
change the readability on some of the screens
show the grey out in the pie chart after eliminating one task)

See more our learnings at:

Learnings from Digital Prototyping Messageo | Zeqing Hong & Galit Lurya

iPhone App

  • Add set username in sign up
  • Import contacts only later on in the process when creating a new message
  • Add the pin-it button also on the top bar of creating a new message
  • Consider breaking down the bar to have the notifications and time limit under/above the write a message area- clarify the icons as they are not clear enough
  • Consider creating a more differentiated layout for the sent and received messages
  • Add titles to bottom bar buttons- the icons themselves are not clear enough
  • On pending messages that have a map add option to tap on map to get directions
  • Sent messages- is the time limit in hours? add H to clarify

Apple watch app

  • Only show sent and received messages + notifications
  • In the sent and received messages, create a combined view of map and list

Thursday Plays

Subway Surf!

This has probably been around for a while, but i just downloaded it the other day, and i love it. its quite addictive to an extent, plus there are constant updates for themes for the game.





Just as the name suggests, you are “surfing” through that seems like abandoned train tracks, but they are actually running, and your character has to dodge the trains, get coins, and hopefully not get caught by the cops! its a fun game.

Feedback from Digital Prototype

* Change certain fonts

* Might consider having two columns for the price of equipments

* Get a feedback notification a day after using the space

* making the whole address line tappable

* Change map view

* work on the buttons on the reservations page

*Change the comments icons on the studio’s scroll view, and also work on texts

* Maybe having Auto selected time for reservations page