Monday Plays: Bang with Friends

I actually haven’t used this app, but it’s funny.

Step 1: Sign in with Facebook so you can see your friends (don’t worry – it’s discreet)!

Step 2: Pick the friends you want to Bang. We will only show your friends that you’re interested if they are too!

Step 3: Message Each Other. Once we know you’re both down, we’ll send you both an email – when and where is up to you!

Step 4: B-a-n-g. Yup, that’s right. Slow, fast, rough, or soft you decide how it goes. Stay safe!

It seems like you would just say you want to bang everyone so you can see who chose you. I wonder how they get around that. I guess that would make for an awkward situation though because then that person would actually think you want to bang them.

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