One thought on “App Map + Wireframes”

  1. I appreciate that you iterated on your app map and made it match your wireframes. Often I find that when I go back to fix up my app map, that it makes me need to go back and rethink things in the wireframes. An endless cycle! I also usually find that my app maps get simpler over time, which is what happened between your iterations. Let’s see if we can keep pushing things to get more streamlined.

    What is the language of the user you are imagining? When you are searching for a food, do you always search in the language of the country that the food came from? When you get to a food detail page, do you show the name of the food in any other languages? Perhaps in the language the phone is set in if a translation is available?

    I think that you can get to the meat of the content more quickly than with 1.0 Main Menu. Just jump directly to 2.0 and either bring a download button to this page that takes you elsewhere or show the downloadable content on this page with the already downloaded content prioritized.

    I like the idea of adding notes, and I wonder if people might want to add their own pictures as well.

    Don’t worry about it too much, but I’m not sure what notifications of the account in the options screen is doing. For text size, you can also rely on apple’s dynamic text sizing so that you don’t have to build that yourself.

    Keep refining, simplifying, and thinking through the needs of a clear user of your app.

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