AstroMatch – Ning Sui + Ting Zhao


This week, me and Ting decide to change our original idea to a new direction. Astro Match will be the final project in our team. It’s a dating app with filter based on astrological analysis. We have many classmates and friend who use dating app and also seek suggestion from astrology point of view. We think that what current dating app actually do is to have filters to help making meaningful selection from a large amount of people, and more and more people are asking astrological suggestions in private. We tend to combine the features of regular dating apps and astrology apps and to provide the astrological filter for a dating social platform. On the other hand, most astrological app, which only divide people into 12 kinds, doesn’t very accurate in most time. To improve the accuracy and meaningfulness of this filter, we will use birth chart API with algorithm from an astrologist. To not adding confusions to users, we decide to skip showing the birth chart visually, but show the compatibility between users directly.





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