Thursday Play: Blue Cheese

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Blue Cheese is a menu translator and dictionary. This app could complete menu translation immediately via simple scanning of single or multiple lines. With using this app, people could easily obtain detailed ingredient and flavor descriptions with food images, food and view historical information, and food comments.

Since a lot fancy restaurants usually have a dim space, this app also have the light function. It help people to light the menu.

For now it support translation between Chinese and English.

There is a love story behind of this app. Ray, the founder of Blue Cheese, was an international student studying in a university in the United States and was pursuing a Taiwanese girl in his freshman year. When Ray took the girl to an Italian restaurant for their first date, they were both confused by unfamiliar food names on the menu and had no clue what to order. The girl asked Ray for suggestions, so Ray ordered a Grilled Romaine Salad with Blue Cheese dressing for her. He had no idea what blue cheese was and just wanted to order for her to show his cultural savvy. Ray thought foods with beautiful names such as blue cheese must taste good. But after seeing the unpleasant look that appeared on his date’s face while she was chewing, he realized he must have made a huge mistake. After searching online, he was shocked that the blue dots are actually mold. He felt horrible and promised her that she will never have to order blindly again. Although the girl has gone back to Taiwan, Ray never forgot his promise, and built this app for her with the hope that she and others will be able to order with confidence wherever they travel. The “Blue Cheese” story made the app featured as the “Best New App” in the iTunes AppStore in China. Ray hopes she will see Blue Cheese and that this time she will like blue cheese.

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