food art app designed prototype + user testing


I did the user-testing and here’s what I found

  • they tried to tap and used other gestures(like swipe) to navigate and they got frustrated because they were expecting some gestures that would normally work and it didn’t.
    (for the moment, I used only tap without adding other gestures for the prototype so that’s why)
  • some of them said the design could be better
  • some of them could not navigate what they are looking for. (for example, I asked them to upload video and some of them could not find it)

What I learned from making paper prototype is that before I design details, I can show the interface and the app flow. For example, where the icons are, what will be the user flow or user experience of having the app and navigate. So it is better for designers to do user test before going into full detail page, in this way, we don’t lose time.

this is my app map and detail viewsAPPMAP

detail view

my app( only tapping..)

This is a prototype tool, it didn’t allow me to add “swipe up” and “swipe down” at the same location so I just made everything tappable to make it simpler. However, I found that was frustrating for the users because they were looking for normal behavior like swiping up and down, right and left.(I need to change that)



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