Boil Monitor (TVOS) – Slides, Design

Here’s my slides of Boil Monitor for latest iteration:





User insights:

  • User hopes to start a timer near the pot (like on phone/watch) so he can accurately measure the time right after he adjusts the heat (walking back to the couch and then interacting with the TV would take ten to twenty seconds). But when he sits in front of the TV and the pot in monitor seems good, he want to edit the timer just on TV without going to kitchen.
  • User doesn’t want to attach and detach the phone above a hot pot frequently (which increases chances the phone falls into the pot), so the function to edit/reset timer on another device like TV or watch is important.
  • When user is watching TV using the picture in picture function to monitor the pot, he won’t switch back to the app if he doesn’t need to edit the timer.
  • User wants to keep all the cooking status in app temporarily for reference, before the app goes back to initial view, even if he detaches the phone.

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