make up for HIG

Note from HIG

  • App’s interface and contents need to be distinguished to each other. Good design of interface and cantent can facilitate each other but not distracting. The most important/attractive content would usually be placed on the top left corner, where as the less important content should be placed on the bottom right corner.
  • “Ensure legibility by using the system font. San Francisco (the iOS system font) works with Dynamic Type to automatically adjust letter spacing and line height so that text is easy to read and looks great at every size. Whether you use San Francisco or a custom font, be sure to adopt Dynamic Type so your app can respond when the user chooses a different text size.” Font size is an important element we should pay more attention. The appropriate size of font can contribute to all pages of layout, On the contrary, a wrong size can ruin the proportion of the whole design. Thus, we should follow/obey the system font size strictly when we design.
  • If an “onboarding experience” is needed, it should be easy to follow and don’t forget to design a way to exit this part anytime.

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