Douglas and Pengpeng: Stamped

Hi everyone!

Our app is called Stamped,an iPhone app for travelers that allows them to record all the places they have been to and create stories through their camera photo and video library to evoke wanderlust.

These are our first sketches.   Sketches

You can find our wireframes in here: Wireframe Pre

These are things and problems we learned from user tests.

1. For the view of adding locations, what if the user wants to enter a period of time?

2. minimum pictures? what if I just have one? What if I don’t have any? Can I upload them later?

3. The length of the video. What if I choose only 3 photos? How long the video will be? What if I have 100 photos? How long will that be?

4. How to make it simple and light?

5. After editing one small story video, the user got confusing that they don’t know where to tap next. “How can I know that the videos are edited?  I can not know if my editing is working. I also do not know I can skip editing.”

6. How to show the friends that have been to this city? How to show the number? What if there are 30 of my friends have been to London? Will there be a list?

7. How to teach users the difference between big story and small story?

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