Week 2_Jean

User Insight/ first paper prototype


  1. Should allow the users to select each ingredient before they add it to the shopping list, just in case they already got that ingredient.
  2. In the “Shopping list” page, it should have “add” button, just in case the user wants to add some other ingredients to there shopping list. Also, the “done” button can be added, for them to use after they have finished all the shopping.
  3. The “method” part is confused because it does not show full method at the beginning. It should provide a full method in the main recipe page.
  4. About the timing in the “Full Screen Recipe” part, a timer should pop-up in that page after the user tap on the word. In order for the user to see when the time is running.
  5. The recipe page and the restaurant page are the same, should do something to differentiate this two page. Instead of showing the time/price/calories in the restaurant page, it can be the brief description of the restaurant.


Second Wireframe

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