Week 10 – Ting and Jason

Smart app for meetings.

We are designing an app to record, analyze, and provide related references for group meetings. 

Every time during the studio critique, guest crits always give us so many references and suggestions which are so hard to catch up in such short time. We usually take notes on the notebook but still miss out a lot. Also, we all have the experience that the crit gave an unsure name or terms which needed to be looked up afterward. Record the whole conversation could be a way to solve this problem, but how can we use Machine Learning to improve this experience?

We followed this guideline from Human-Centered Machine Learning by Josh Lovejoy and Jess Holbrook to start off.

  • Describe the way a theoretical human “expert” might perform the task today.
    1.We would expect the expert to check if anyone mentioned incorrect information.
    2.to differentiate small talk/joke/sarcasm.
    3.to read the tone of the members. Who was agree or against with some certain idea?
    4.Categorize the transcription by recognizing the sound.
    5.Look up the dictionary or google.
  • If your human expert were to perform this task, how would you respond to them so they improved for the next time? Do this for all four phases of the confusion matrix.
    1.The user will be asked to delete unrelated reference on the report tab.
  • If a human were to perform this task, what assumptions would the user want them to make?

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