Updated Wireframes – Treats App – Ceyda Onal

updated-wireframes updated wireframes

Before creating on to the design process I’ve updated the wire frames for the Treat App.After the critiques I’ve received, I’ve simplified the wire frames. I’ve modified the tab bar so that, users would be on one of those tabs each time. I got rid of the back button on the tab bar, and located it in a different place. There are four folders on the tab bar: Recipe Box, Ornament Box, Shopping List and Home Page.I’ve also modified the home page because, the former one didn’t really served as a home page. Home page is the first page that is showing today’s date and theĀ  upcoming holidays, so that you would click on that holiday and see it’s recipes.

I’ve also changed the logo appearance on every page, the logo appears only on the home page.

Recipe Box leads you to a page where you can find categorized treat recipes. Cupcakes, muffins, cakepops, smooties, jellos .. For instance if you click on the cupcakes category, it leads you to a page full of cupcake images where you can scroll left and right to see more images. To see the recipes of those images the user will click on the image thumbnails.

I was also questioning the necessity of the tab of “ornament box”. But I want to keep it. Because decorating cakes and sweets can be difficult, and some tricks on how to create them is helpful. “Ornament Box” tab leads you to a page that lists: icing, whipped cream, candy melts.. where you can learn how to create icing for a cake, or how to melt a candy.

Adding items to the shopping list can be done from it’s page and also from the recipe page. On the recipe page ingredients will have an “add to shopping list” option. To erase the items you should be on the shopping list page.


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