Bloom – #mondayplays – Ceyda Onal

 tumblr_lk6nujeNdE1qj7l1to1_1280   bloom

Bloom is a generative music application for iOS created by Brian Eno and Peter Chilvers.The software plays a low drone, and touching the screen produces different tones, which play in a loop. If the screen is left untouched, the software will create its own music. Part instrument, part composition and part artwork, Bloom’s innovative controls allow anyone to create elaborate patterns and unique melodies by simply tapping the screen. A generative music player takes over when Bloom is left idle, creating an infinite selection of compositions and their accompanying visualizations. Eno and Chilvers have since released a related app named trope and another in 2012 named Scape.

“Bloom is an endless music machine, a music box for the 21st century. You can play it, and you can watch it play itself.” – Brian Eno

Application Store

Project 1 – Wire Frames for the Food App: Treats – Ceyda Onal



I’ve created wire frames for my approved food app concept titled “Treats App”. Treats app lets people to create sweet treats for special occasions like Halloween, Valentines day, Christmas, St Patrick’s day and many other special days. Users will reach to a variety of recipes including cupcakes, whoopee pies, muffins, cookies, jello shots and many others by choosing the month they are in, through the calender provided. Home menu items will lead the user to a “recipe box”, an “ornament box” , a “shopping list” and a “calender”. Recipe box includes categorized sweets, such as cupcakes or chocolates. Ornament box button leads to a list of decoration tricks for your cooking, such as sugar melts, colored sprinkles, food colorings or cookie cutters. Shopping list option lets you to prepare your kitchen, and make a list of the missing items so that you won’t forget what to buy. treats app

Project1 – Concepts for Food App – Ceyda Onal

1) Treats App
The idea for the treat app is to help people to create marvelous and tasty treats for special days. Valentine’s day is a head, and I’ve been seeing lots of heart shaped chocolate boxes, and special cupcakes behind the shop windows. During Halloween it is the same way, we see pumpkin decorated treats in bakeries. Every season has it own special day and own treats. Creating an app for people who want to be able to bake and cook their custom made treats, by choosing the concept, Valentines day, Halloween, Christmas or even Superbowl night.
2) Seasonal App
Seasonal app. is an idea for an app which shows the vegetables and fruits of the season, and recipes of those picks. During winter, it will show recipes of winter fruits and vegetables. For example, pomegranates, tangerines, apples, kale, winter squash. Whereas, during summer it will shows recipes for summer vegetables and fruits.
3) App for Turkish food.
I’ve missed the smell of my national cuisine.I am a Turk living in NYC and away from my national cuisine which is my favorite. I’ve been trying to cook by myself and using the recipes my mom gave to me. And then the question popped in my head “Why not to create an app only for Turkish cuisine?”