Jun Sik (Jason) Kim – Stepe Food App Wireframes

Stepe: Playful Step by Step Food Recipe App for Really Real Beginners.

This App is really for people who just started cooking. People can choose a menu and get introduced to its ingredients and directions of cooking. The ingredients section provides in-depth information regarding the ingredients such as “2 cups diced chicken,” and “3 teaspoons peanut butter.” People like myself, who first started cooking, only had a vague idea of what diced meant and also was not fond of and comfortable with the measurements of a cup, teaspoon, tablespoon, etc. Simply put, this app is a recipe app for dummies. People like myself no longer need to google something when looking at the recipe directions. People can also use this app to keep track of what ingredients they have or bought through the ingredients tab. The App also provides focused step by step cooking instructions. It also provides a timer for the steps that require time measurement.

Stepe Wireframewireframes

Stepe Mockupmockup


Here is my POP prototype!
