One thought on “Food app wireframes V1”

  1. I definitely recommend creating accounting wireframes before starting any layout, but I just use those in my own internal process. I only ever present things once they’re generally laid out. I caught up to what you were presenting in class, but at first I didn’t realize that you were going to go through all the screens twice.

    This was talked about a bit in cals,s but what type of sharing is necessary for this to be more useful for groups of people planning together? It could be useful to step back and consider the existing user workflows that people are using. How are roommates who share meals planning together right now? Does on person suggest things and then other approve? Also, you might consider that couples or families are also roommates who share meals. It could be useful to have a few personas, since your app has potentially quite different users. You can make a case to target one of these user groups more specifically if you’d like. In any case, I wonder if there are any useful ways to express pleasure of distrust in the plan beside just the swipe to smiley.

    If you start fleshing out the collaborative planning portions of the app and it gets quite large, you should consider decreasing or removing the recipe finding portions. When I plan my meals for the week, I have one tool where I record everything my wife and I are going to eat (a magnet pad that sticks to our fridge) and a group of other tools for finding and referring to recipes in the future (cookbooks, cooking blogs, memories of meals we’ve made in the past, recipe cards from my mom.) While I agree that finding recipes through the same digital tool and creating a shopping list could be useful, you can eliminate some of the scope and flesh out the highest priority features first.

    If you do keep recipe finding, consider what would be an effective or interesting way to get people excited about particular recipes. Are there featured recipes or curated lists by well known chefs?

    On your recipe views right now, does the search stay contextual to the category I’ve chosen? So, 1.1.a am I only searching within the soup category? Likewise, if I add a recipe, is it within the Soup category because I’m on the Soup view?

    If I add a recipe is it just local or can other people see it?

    With 1.2.a it would make sense to have all items checked off by default to add to the shopping list. With recipes, there’s always a few ‘staples’ that it could be useful to group together, like butter/oil, vinegars, etc.

    Things also mentioned in class:
    – it could be worth exploring other calendar interfaces, though the one you have may provide the functionality most users will need
    – on 1.0 Meal Plan, the share and add buttons are very close to each other. It’s generally better to only have one button on each side of the tab bar.

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