Apple HIG Notes

  • Give people confidence that their work is always preserved unless they explicitly cancel or delete it. Sometimes I lose some of my texts or notes in certain apps after I use other apps and want to continue my works. Because they restart themselves after recovering from multi-tasking. I always consider these situations as my personal problems. I think I should have saved everything before I switch away from the current app. I do not know that it is app’s responsibility to save user’s data periodically or automatically.
  • Tailor Customization to the Task. I believe that many designers want to be innovative and creative while design their products. At least I do. Because being different is attractive to audiences occasionally. However, it is really important to balance UI customization with clarity of purpose and ease of use. Briefly, we have to be aware of how users do their jobs and the necessity of elaborate design.
  • Avoid asking for health data before users have a chance to understand what it will be used for. I never used HealthKit before but it became popular since Apple Watch is released. And there are more and more apps using health data. It is really important while accessing user’s private information. It would be an issue if apps are not designed properly to do the tasks. Every designer has to pay attention to this detail.


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