Food App (App map + wireframe)


Based on my personal experience, I always have the problem with deciding what to eat. As a result, I want to make an app which can help theĀ user choose a restaurant in short time.

App Map

Digital Wireframe

One thought on “Food App (App map + wireframe)”

  1. I’m not sure that the system you’ve created for find a restaurant actually helps someone find a restaurant any more easily than using existing systems. I wonder if you could take the idea and the interface further to differentiate it from existing solutions and to make it actually help me quickly make a choice of what to eat right now. Do you imagine users will use this to plan at all, or is it about eating something out right now? Would your user be interested in just getting take out/delivery or do they want to eat out?

    At very least, you can suggest restaurants in the nearby as a default and let people change location if that’s necessary. The same goes for price. Can you show price in the results or can you give them one by default and remember the choice if they change it?

    We spoke about this in class, but having the more traditional path of finding (2.0 All Restaurants) undermines your argument. You should make your main flow accomplish the needs of your user, so I’d suggest cutting that.

    I think that you told me this in class, but on 1.0 Make Food Choices, and I choosing a cuisine or a particular dish? It’d be nice if that was clearer.

    On Restaurant Detail, do you think that users will look for any other information to be finalizing their choice or do you think that they’ll really just want directions? Even though you’re trying to help limit complexity, there are edges to being told exactly what to do, so people may want to dive in a little deeper for more information. This will be especially true for new users. Why should they trust the app the very first restaurant they are recommended?

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