Project 1 Final Iteration

Final Presentation: zhant293_mobilemedia_proj1

Marvel prototype: zhant293_project1_digitalprototype


Design challenges/criteria:

  1. Simple and intuitive
  2. Quick access to foods
  3. Minimize text
  4. Reinforcing/Repetition
  5. Easy to navigate through maps/directions

Things I’ve changed:

  1. First view that user will see upon tapping on a restaurant is the map view of his/her current location. This was done because it would be easier to locate directions and orientations for the user.
  2. The map is now using a 3D view rather than 2D, again, this was done so the user could look at the map and feel that it is closer to reality.
  3. Instructions now are accessed only through the “Text” button on the top right corner. This was done to diminish the amount of text on the screen.

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