Week 1

3 Things I didn’t know about Apple HIG

  1. Onboarding with Launch time, I normally see a splash view when I go into apps, and I never realized that Launch time to get in touch with new users or tell what’s new to old users has become a new thing.
  2. Feeback, I notice the status information in my mail inbox but I didn’t realize that it was implemented in other kinds of apps to make users know what’s happening in the app subtly in the toolbar.
  3. Colorblindness, most of the time I design according to the theme but now I realized to consider all user’s vision.

About Me
Hello, my name is Aim. I come from Bangkok, Thailand and I am a visual designer, a front-end developer, a researcher, and an aimer for change.





Food App:

For my food app project, I am creating an app called Baby Balanced to solve the problem that my sister is having with her 9 months old son who appears to be underweight.

The app will assist mothers to balance their baby’s food intake, featuring a meal planner, a lotĀ of recipes that will give the number of calories the baby needs and a tracker to observe the pattern of food intake for her child.

App Map

Detailed Wireframe


One thought on “Week 1”

  1. Hey Aim- your detailed wires are posted at a really low resolution, so I can’t respond to them. If you put up a higher quality one, I can respond to it this week, or I can send written feedback next week as well.

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