wk02 Stella

User insights I learned from paper prototyping

  1. PLAN:
    1. It may be unnecessary to set up the number of family members because the family plan has already existed.
    2. Users couldn’t search within the plan to check which recipes are in the plan before they confirm to buy it.
    3. It is hard to know how many recipes are selected in the selection page.
    4. tags may help users to make decisions among the recipes.
    1. The processing circle is distractive.
    2. Both horizontal and vertical layout are not that effective.
    3. Ranking feature may be set after users finish cooking.
    1. alert rather than notice?
    2. Delivery tracking is necessary.
  4. ME
    1. Why users need to connect to their facebook account?

Evaluation from the critique

  1. PLAN:
    1. The coexistence of horizontally swiping and vertically scrolling is unclear and confusing.
    2. Users need more obvious trigger to notice that the page could be scrolled down.
    3. Price button may get users give up buying the plan.
    4. users couldn’t preview the details of those recipes.
    1. The processing circle may be not that necessary.
    2. What if users skip one of the day (for example, hang out for the dinner)?
    3. The most important feature on this view should be how to check the recipe that day.
  3. SEARCH:
    1. Where do users need to search for something? The position of searching is vital.

App Map V2.0

Wireframe V2.0

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