Week 3/Week 4_Jean

User Insight of second paper prototype and first digital prototype

  1. In the method part change from “View Full Screen” to something else like “Start Cooking”, because it is confusing.
  2. Every page should have tap bar.
  3. In the “back” button, change it to “cancel” or “the name of the page”.
  4. When tap search, it is confusing that they can still see all the pictures, try to blur the background or change it to something else.
  5.  In the filter part, change from search bar to something else, because it is confusing and looks like they are still in the search page.
  6.  In the filter part, try to figure out the way to choose all the filter at the same time.
  7.  Cut the calories part out and add shopping list as one of the tap bar instead.


Digital Prototype


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