Week 5 Presentation/Week 6 Final Version_Jean

Week 5 Final Presentation

App map (Presentation)

Wireframe (Presentation)

Digital Prototype


Comments from the final presentation 

  1. In the pop-up timer, it looks like it is touchable, makes it look untouchable.
  2. Choose between the arrow and “close” button.
  3. The Filter button should be gone after the user tap on the button.
  4. Should differentiate the “Done” button with other buttons because it looks similar.
  5. In the “Done” page in the shopping list, doesn’t need to have the check circle.
  6. “Done” button can be in the top bar.

Wireframe (Final Version)

Digital Prototype (Final Version)


I also moved “Clear” button to the top bar of the shopping list page.


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