ff00dd – Food By Colors iOS App

Here’s the wireframe with what I think are the core elements of the app. Logging in the data is one thing and then being able to view it over time and by color could be very interesting.



Food App Ideas

Idea 1 :  Idliketoeat,com – a collaboration with Mani Id like to eat is a restaurant finder for people with dietary restrictions

Idea 2: Recipe Sharing: My mom and I are always sharing recipes.  Same with my friends, we get a CSA and we’re always discussing what to do with the veggies.  This app would be like a social media way to share recipes.  You would have ‘friends’ and can easily share recipes and food pics with them.  There would be a recipe card template so uploading your recipes would be a breeze and then you could share them with a particular person, group, or all of your friends

Idea 3: Recipe archive:  At my mom’s house she has several old recipe card holders full of recipes from my great grandmother but she has no way to archive them.  This app you could take a picture of an old recipe card, the app would scan the image and create a document.  You could have folders and be able to easily access and archive any printed recipe so you’ll never lose a recipe again!

Project 1: Concepts

1. An app based on the phrase “I’ll have what he’s having.” Over break I went to visit a friend at Green Mountain College in Vermont which is in the very small town of Poultney. While there we went to a little restaurant and after my friend and I ordered her boyfriend ordered by simply saying “I’ll have what he’s having.” and the waitress knew what he meant. I guess this started with an older guy who was a regular got the same sandwich every time and it was a sandwich that wasn’t on the menu then one day someone saw what he had and was like “I’ll have what he’s having.” other people caught on and it became a way to order this guy’s sandwich that wasn’t on the menu. This is the most creative way I have seen to order non-menu items but I have been to other restaurants where there are things you can order that are not listed on the menu. This brings me to my first app idea which would be some sort of app that let’s you check whatever restaurant you are at or going to and see if there are any hidden gems that you would have missed out on otherwise.

2. An app based on r/foodPorn. r/foodPorn is a subreddit where people post pictures of amazing food. Often I see these pictures and I find myself immediately wondering where did they get that?? and usually the comments are a thread of users trying to figure out where it’s from if the poster didn’t include that detail. This app would be similar to the idea of Yelp as a way to find restaurants but instead of having to search through reviews you could open up the area you are in on a map and be shown pictures of food taken in that area. This way you are choosing your restaurant based on the food you want and not based on taking people’s word on food when everyone has different taste.

3. An app that indexes your refrigerator. Especially when living with roommates it is easy to forget what food you bought and when. This idea is inspired that my food, especially produce, tends to go bad before I get a chance to use it. The app would let you create an index of all your food and when it expires to aid in both grocery shopping and what you should make for dinner.

Project1 – Concepts for Food App – Ceyda Onal

1) Treats App
The idea for the treat app is to help people to create marvelous and tasty treats for special days. Valentine’s day is a head, and I’ve been seeing lots of heart shaped chocolate boxes, and special cupcakes behind the shop windows. During Halloween it is the same way, we see pumpkin decorated treats in bakeries. Every season has it own special day and own treats. Creating an app for people who want to be able to bake and cook their custom made treats, by choosing the concept, Valentines day, Halloween, Christmas or even Superbowl night.
2) Seasonal App
Seasonal app. is an idea for an app which shows the vegetables and fruits of the season, and recipes of those picks. During winter, it will show recipes of winter fruits and vegetables. For example, pomegranates, tangerines, apples, kale, winter squash. Whereas, during summer it will shows recipes for summer vegetables and fruits.
3) App for Turkish food.
I’ve missed the smell of my national cuisine.I am a Turk living in NYC and away from my national cuisine which is my favorite. I’ve been trying to cook by myself and using the recipes my mom gave to me. And then the question popped in my head “Why not to create an app only for Turkish cuisine?”


Paper prototypes are a simulation of a digital interface with a paper. When paper prototyping, you print or draw your interface and have a tester interact with the paper like is a real, digital interface. You will play the part of the iPhone’s processor, moving things and performing actions that the phone would do. Paper prototyping is a way to quickly and with little effort test out our designs.

For your prototypes next week, you’ll have a chance to use several classmates to test out if your design works as you intend. You’ll want to prepare a goal or quest for your user to prompt them. Then, you’ll lay the first screen of your app in front of them. Test out all the aspects of your app that you’ve designed.

To be able to do this, you’ll need to iterate on the wireframes that you’ve done or wireframe for the first time all of the major screens of your app.


  • Print out your mocks at a true to iPhone size.
  • If your app requires content (recipes, restaurants, etc.), you’ll want to provide your user with those. If you want someone to take a picture, have a separate cutout of a picture to throw onto the screen.
  • If you need the user to type, you may want to have a iPhone keyboard to put on top of your interface. This may be a good way to test if your interface needs to adjust in any way for the keyboard as well.

Alternatively, you may employ an digital prototype to test your concepts as well. Keep these lo-fi as well. You could make an interactive pdf, a simple mobile website, or use the app POP.

Assignments for February 11

  • Wireframe group 1- create wireframes for your approved app concept and post them to the blog. Be prepared to present them and receive comments in 12 minutes. I’d suggest keeping your discussion to around 5-6 minutes.
  • Everyone- create either a paper prototype or a digital prototype using a simple tool such a POP (more on prototyping). While prototyping in class next week, document (take some pictures/video) to post to the blog along with a sentence or two about some interesting things you discovered while prototyping.
  • Special Topics Group 2 – prepare a lecture on top Android apps

On blog maintenance:

  • Please DO NOT put your posts under the Assignments category. I’ll use that for posting the weekly assignments.
  • Please do go into the profile of your user and put in your name so that I can properly identify everyone per their username.
  • Please use the category #mondayplays for documenting any apps/games brought up in our app chats