Project 1: Store It

Store It is an application designed to create knowledge about the available storage facilities  around the area and aid the farmers store their crop in proper facilities with better conditions.

Here is the link to the Presentation : Mobile Media project-1

I have also included my feedback from the user testing in the presentation with both the iterations (before and after)

One thought on “Project 1: Store It”

  1. I think there’s way more complexity to your concept than you’ve had time to explain. I need a way clearer understanding of your user group and their needs. For example, what do people do now? Do they not sell what they’ve grown to sell because they can’t store it? Do they understand that it’s a problem? What technology and tools are the comfortable with? Why is an app a good solution for sharing the information that you’re proposing?

    When I hear food waste, it’s also unclear if you mean, as I believe you do, from food production or from consumers throwing things away.

    Does there need to be an app for listers of storage space? Is the app really for someone trying to make extra money from their storage, or is it just for the farmers?

    It seems overly complicated to have users choose a what they want to store and then look for locations. You can just have a map and then tag things by what can be stored there. You can also have a filter to focus in on just one if that’s useful.

    It’s unclear what your settings mean. What are language settings? Why would’t you want to have bookmarks? If there are bookmarks, where do I access them? They should be available on the search/map view. Location services are something that you have to set at the iOS level, not in the app.

    I’d suggest navigating to a full screen view instead of just using the half page for the storage location detail. It seems like some other information would be useful, such as: contact information, an address, pictures.

    What are the ‘tips’? Why do they have voice over?

    You’re going to have a much harder time than others user testing, but if there’s any way that you can get a representative users to test at some point, it will make your app the better.

    You can certainly keep going with this concept, but you’ve got to figure out a way to very concisely describe who your users are and what you’re doing for them. Then, you can create a compelling case for an interface that accomplishes their goals.

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