Yahoo Weather App – app of the day


This app makes Apple’s native ios weather app look really sad.  Yahoo’s weather app is absolutely stunning, I honestly can’t stop looking at it.  The landing page consists of gorgeous high res images of NYC pulled dynamically from flickr, with the temperature highs and lows displayed in beautiful type along the bottom.  Scroll down for the forecast clearly laid out with clean outlines, scroll down some more for a detailed view of today’s weather, maps, precipitation, wind pressure as illustrated by moving windmills, and the sun and moon rising and setting times.  Changing locations is super easy, just the push of a button.  In 2 minutes this app already displaced the native ios app on my homescreen and I highly doubt I will ever open the default weather app again.  If you are not already convinced to download this app, the icing on the cake is that it is free. 🙂



cookWhere presentation



User test

During the user test and final feedback interesting comments were made. In the home page the icon that goes to the list had the logo of the app next to it. So the two elements were the button. This proved confusing for the user, he thought they were to separate elements. So I just let the stripes that symbolize the list element.

Also at the end, I just realized that when shopping different items from different stores it will be better to have a pick up and delivery button in each item instead of having it at the end. We might be in a situation where I purchase 5 items from 4 different stores. So I want to have the possibility to select from which I want delivery or pick up. This is something to have into consideration for a further iteration.

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Navigation Map



#MondayPlay TimeHop





Timehop is an iPhone app that once you log in with your facebook, twitter, instagram, and/or foursquare creates a time capsule of all your social media since you created it. Every morning you receive a new “time hop” that tells you what you did on that day exactly 1…2…3…4…years ago. This app has been fun in that sometimes I’m reminded of fun memories I had forgotten about and sometimes I’m reminded of how awkward of a high schooler/college freshman I was. The only improvements I wish this app would make would be 1. that it would show you other activity besides just status updates 2. that you could include older social medias for a longer time capsule like Xanga, MySpace, or Livejournal etc. and 3. that it would be available for Android 😉