Food App Wireframe

My app’s name is Gustatory (may be changed). This app suggests users foods and all of them are sorted by five tastes – sweetness, sourness, saltiness, bitterness, and pungency (spiciness). Users can rate each foods by taste and also can find places to have these foods. Unlike other food searchers, Gustatory searches foods by tastes and users can easily get to know what taste the food has.


For Thursday, Feb 19

I’ve responded to everyone’s first wireframes posts on the blog. Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.

For Thursday, Feb 19:

  • Post an iteration of your wireframe incorporating my written feedback. Focus on simplicity and clarity.
  • Check out what we would have talked about last week on accessibility and feel free to include some accessibility features in your iteration- Accessibility
  • Keep posting up your thursday plays/apps!