For Mar 29, 2018

  • Note 2-3 user insights that you learned from paper prototyping
  • Based on your prototyping, create a final design for you AppleTV App

As you start thinking more about Machine Learning, feel free and reference Quinn’s Lecture

Quinn also sent these over:

In addition, this URL is probably the most pertinent your students when thinking about ML things they could consider for a mobile app:
Also mentioned but not linked in the slides:  (every morning, sometimes in the afternoon, too) (the awesome list of awesome lists. chug the meta koolaid) (to show it’s not just 🤓 developer stuff)

#Thursday App_Yin Hu

App Name: Tiny Poll

It’s a voting tool used in the Group Messages in iPhone. It could be treated as an extension of the Messages since after installing you won’t find it on your home screen except in the bottom of Messages.

TinyPoll is fast and easy to use. Because polls are sent directly through iMessage, you never need to leave a group conversation. It takes just a few taps to create a multiple-choice poll and sent it to your friends.

As the votes pour in, the animated tally gets updated in real time. And you can change your decision by tapping other options. The operation is super easy.

By default, you can create a poll with two multiple-choice options every two hours. An annual subscription, which currently costs less than a slice of pizza, lets you create unlimited polls and add up to five options.

Week 7 Apple TV_Jean

What I’ve learned from tvOS human interface guidelines

1. Apple TV is designed for entertainment, not data entry

Because most people interact with Apple TV by using the remote control, so it is hard for them to input a big amount of data, try to minimize the information that the users have to input in the app. If the app required lots of information from the users, tell them to visit a website from another device.

2. The interaction of Apple TV is based on a focus model 

By pressing buttons and using gestures on the remote, people move focus from element to element, stop on a specific one, and click to access content or initiate action. As focus changes, subtle animations and the parallax effect produce a feeling of depth that clearly identifies the item that’s currently in focus.

Make the focused item obvious

Because people select and manipulate elements onscreen from afar, it’s crucial to make sure they always know which item is in focus.

3. Apple TV typography

Knowing the font size of Apple TV is important because people are using it at a distance.

San Francisco is the system font on Apple TV and this is the font size chart

tvOS App Map

tvOS Wireframe



ChineasyCards is an app for people to learn the Chinese Language in an easy and fun way. The game in each level includes 4-6 word cards with an illustration for the player to remember, in each card the player can also listen to the pronunciation, if they can remember all the words that the game provided, they can move to the next level. After the player passed the level, they will receive the bao for their reward, so they can feed their learning buddy and keeps them happy.

I think this app is interesting because the Chinese language is the universal language right now and we all should learn how to speak Chinese. This app allows people to learn Chinese anytime and anywhere. I also like the illustration of the game, it looks friendly and easy to understand, and it makes me want to learn Chinese.

Week 5 Presentation/Week 6 Final Version_Jean

Week 5 Final Presentation

App map (Presentation)

Wireframe (Presentation)

Digital Prototype

Comments from the final presentation 

  1. In the pop-up timer, it looks like it is touchable, makes it look untouchable.
  2. Choose between the arrow and “close” button.
  3. The Filter button should be gone after the user tap on the button.
  4. Should differentiate the “Done” button with other buttons because it looks similar.
  5. In the “Done” page in the shopping list, doesn’t need to have the check circle.
  6. “Done” button can be in the top bar.

Wireframe (Final Version)

Digital Prototype (Final Version)

I also moved “Clear” button to the top bar of the shopping list page.


Week 3/Week 4_Jean

User Insight of second paper prototype and first digital prototype

  1. In the method part change from “View Full Screen” to something else like “Start Cooking”, because it is confusing.
  2. Every page should have tap bar.
  3. In the “back” button, change it to “cancel” or “the name of the page”.
  4. When tap search, it is confusing that they can still see all the pictures, try to blur the background or change it to something else.
  5.  In the filter part, change from search bar to something else, because it is confusing and looks like they are still in the search page.
  6.  In the filter part, try to figure out the way to choose all the filter at the same time.
  7.  Cut the calories part out and add shopping list as one of the tap bar instead.


Digital Prototype

Week 6 Jason Chen

3 things I learned from the Apple HIG

  1. Delay sign-in as long as possible. If your app requires authentication, display a brief, friendly explanation on the login screen that describes the reasons for the requirement and its benefits.
  2. Design for different focusable item states. On Apple TV, focusable items can have up to five different states, each of which should appear visually distinct.
  3. No need to show the “BACK” button. Use Menu button instead.

App Map



What I learned from the guidelines:

  1. Top Shelf

    The top shelf is a content showcase area above the top row of apps on the Apple TV Home screen. The user can decide which apps are in the top row. When one of these apps is brought into focus, the top shelf displays featured content specific to that app.

  2. animation:

    1. Use animation only in response to a user action.
    2. Avoid animations with excessive movement.
    3. Strive for realism and credibility.
    4. Make animations optional.


App Map:
